Sunday, February 16, 2020

Recruitment and Staff Selection (Moduel 3 case) Essay

Recruitment and Staff Selection (Moduel 3 case) - Essay Example The method in which the hiring process is conducted and the resulting decision made will have a lasting effect on the hospital. The hospital has a policy which requires all members in the senior management team to engage in ethical practices. They are also required to make effective hiring decisions based on ideal legal and ethical hiring practices. Most of the work in a hospital is funded either directly or indirectly by outside agencies. This aspect makes Mintville Memorial hospital to be generally obliged to comply with outlined regulations regarding hiring and recruitment. All members of the health organization should be fully conversant with federal and state laws on hiring practices. It is the responsibility of the Human Resource to monitor the hiring process and promulgate procedures which will be followed by the supervisor (Calvasina,, 2007). This will ensure the hiring process is fair as the supervisor will be obliged to follow the appropriate process to ensure the right candidate fills the vacant position in the morning shift. The Human Resource supervisor should review the interview and application process to ensure all applications are analyzed and a candidate is chosen based on the analysis. Organizations have outlined appropriate steps which have to be followed in processes of staff hiring. These steps have been developed to provide logical and coordinated sequence of events. The supervisor will be required to follow these steps in the hiring process since choosing her own candidate may cause confusion or legal difficulties for Mintville Memorial Hospital. Employment equity was introduced by the government to ensure all individuals have access to equal opportunities in the work place. Employment equity is consistent with the human rights legislation and it recognizes the value of each individual in the work place. It therefore ensures each individual has genuine and open access to

Monday, February 3, 2020

Program Improvement Status and Standardized Math Scores Essay - 1

Program Improvement Status and Standardized Math Scores - Essay Example The question of how and in what ways program improvement status schools are meeting their obligation of raising math achievement scores, as demonstrated by their students, will form the basis for this study. Â  It is important to first determine whether or not program status schools, as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act, are effectively servicing the academic needs of elementary aged children in the Los Angeles area. Â  Exemplary schools which effectively accomplish the goals of being removed from program improvement status serve as a model for sound recommendations to others in terms of their efforts to provide quality educational alternatives to the population that they serve.Specifically, the study will focus on such schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District and examine the impact that being on program improvement status has on standardized math scores. Â  The question of how and in what ways program improvement status schools are meeting their obligation of rais ing math achievement scores, as demonstrated by their students, will form the basis for this study. Â  It is important to first determine whether or not program status schools are effectively servicing the academic needs of elementary aged children in the Los Angeles area. Â  Exemplary schools which effectively accomplish the goals of being removed from program improvement status serve as a model for sound recommendations to others in terms of their efforts to provide quality educational alternatives to the population that they serve.